Join your fellow students!
Meet some of the students who've been part of this exciting adventure!

TU Delft, Material Science Engineering
For her graduation project Xiao researched the feasibility of using certain materials within the system. The scope included designing and building an experimental setup, performing experiments and data analysis.

Haagse Hogeschool, Mechanical Engineering
During his internship Thijs built several experimental setups needed for performing experiments in the field of alkaline electrolysis. In addition he laid the groundwork for the alkaline electrolysis high pressure testing facility.

TU Delft, Industrial Design
During his time at ZEF David worked on the integration of all the different subsystems into one product. In addition to this he investigated the optimization of the system size. David showed the value of having an industrial designers involved in the design of a process system.

TU Delft, Process & Energy Engineering
For her graduation project Nuria worked on the characterization of sorbent materials for absorption of CO2 from the air. She worked with analytical equipment in the lab for the characterization and also delivered a model.





Educational institutions
Over the years we've worked with 150+ students from various educational institutions ranging from vocational to university level both from the Netherlands and abroad.